Branding | Marketing | Web Design
Innovate…. yes it’s been over 10 years and we are proud sponsors of this regional competition for yet another year. “Creativity is Contagious”. Celebrating 10 years was a good reason to create a new look for this flagship programme.
Innovate encourages local entrepreneurialism which sparks the local ecosystem growing young companies, new business and thought leaders as well as new technology. Just like a spinning-top, the Innovate logo signifies precision, balance, agility and speed.
When building capacity and capability in a start-up and founder, Innovate uses lean methodology to clearly articulate the start-up’s value proposition through to product validation and build. Each of these tools are showcased in the circle; nine steps to gain momentum, learn at pace and measure results. The faster Innovate can help the start-up turn the fly-wheel, or spin the top, the more success the start-up and founder has at achieving scale.
Check out the logo and refreshed site here >